Sunday, September 23, 2007

Forget the Chicken Soup

Comfort food getting you nowhere but slightly bloated? Just got dumped/crashed your new car/dog died under the porch/found your best friend sleeping with your lover/boss can't appreciate the brilliance that is you???

First off, are you a feeling person, a physical person or a mental person? Do you adore competing with your buddies, heartfelt conversations with your closest companion or a stimulating book alone undisturbed? Whether you have a big juicy brain, heart or muscles, there is a cure for what ails ya! The sooner you do one of the following 3 exercises, the less likely you will be to drunk dial your ex fiance/freak out/create a masterplan of revenge/get thrown in jail/spin a web of lies/etc...

If you are a feeling person and your feelings seem to do nothing but torture you lately, try spending some time with nature. That's right, plants. The theory is this: plants are pure life with no opinions or will of their own. Wild animals, pretty close. Domesticated animals have inherited some of our nerosis, so beware, but they're still way better than people for the broken hearted. I'm talking wilderness here...or at least some grass and squirrels in the park. In nature, you can literally feel the love, and heal that poor throbbing heart of yours. Nature won't argue with you or call you names. Nature &hearts you.

If you are a big thinker, meditation is for you! Quit mulling over every single problem in your life and try to turn off your thinking machine for a minute. There are a few ways to do this. If you feel silly hanging with the yogis and yoginis, try staring at clouds. Or concentrate on taking 10 deep breaths. And don't sell yourself short, 10 breaths is minimum, go for the gold and do more! When you starting thinking a thought, acknowledge, then let the thought drift away, like a cloud or a breath of air. Thoughts are what you make them to be. Give your big brain a break, you genius you!

If you are a physical person, your best bet is a good dose of endorphins for some relief. If you can't control your urge to punch the millions of unfortunate losers who seem to cross your path, any intense physical activity that gets you in the zone will really help allieviate life's troubles. That feeling of being in the flow is what we're going for here, when your body is in autopilot/SUPERHERO mode.

Many of us are a combination of body-mind-soul, as we very well should be. So when your daily run isn't the high it use to be, try a walk in the woods and some time laying in the grass watching clouds. The idea is to remember, you really have no control over life...que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, so why not figure out a way to relax and give yourself a break in the meantime? You'll be HAPPY you did :)

xo a

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