Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Osho can be quoted as saying, "...remember, while advising others, you may look foolish...No philosophy can give consolation...because the problem is not yours."

Dear L'etoilian, Let these be words for me to live by! But however will you do that with an advice column to attend to, you ask.

Let me tell you. At first when I was asked to write this advice column, you better believe that looking like a fool was most defninetly my biggest concern. Who am I, but another schmuck, schlepping through life, making stupid mistakes, trying again and again to land on my feet without falling repeatedly on my face??? (If I just use a penname, maybe then I can give better advice? How about we hire a model to stand in for me as well?)

Let me tell you. Now that it's all said and done and my name is plastered all over a public blog, I can honestly say I'm ready to look like a fool. I am someone who is willing to admit when I'm wrong. I'm willing to admit I don't always know. I'm willing to share my mistakes. I am also someone who has never been able to settle for less than pure happiness, so when I messed up and felt unhappy, I read. And read, and talked and then laughed. Then I messed up some more and read again! And somewhere along the line, some things stuck and I started sharing these words with others, who seemed to benefit, ultimately, from my mistakes :)

So enough about me and my problems! Let's celebrate your mistakes! It's the mistakes that bring us together, make us laugh, help us learn, help us love. If you've come here for the right answer, keep on looking, and keep on deluding yourself. If you want to be happy, read on! There are no answers, only more questions. Look at Freud and Jung: they had all the answers and they still died miserable. I'm no pyschologist, but I don't need to be in order to lend a sympathetic ear and get you back on your way to your own personal version of Perfectly Happy.

xo a

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